Next Steps Once you Graduate as a Comprehensively Certified Pilates Instructor...
I get asked often "what should I study next" and I love this question.
Pilates Instructor Graduates are lifelong learners and they want to be the best they can be.
The question needs to dig deep.
Who do you like to work with?
Do you have the necessary skills you feel like you need to help them the best that you can?
If not what are you lacking? Clinical skills, athletic skills maybe both?
Some of my favorite resources are below:
IdeaFit for $69 a year you can have access to amazing continuing education for all types of fitness. I used to volunteer as an assistant at the Idea Fit Convention in Alexandria every year and met so many amazing people in the industry this way! This is a wellrounded resources for all fitness professionals.
Pilatesanytime for $240 a year you get amazing Pilates content presented in an easy to use/understand format. I think this is my go to for my own workouts at home. You can also purchase great workshops through this site for continuing education.
Pilates Encylopedia is a great site to replace Canvas once your access has expired. It has great workshops and great content. So much so that I became an affiliate for her 😄 And use the site myself to refresh and learn too. Memberships range from $15 -$45 a month depending on the level of help you want. Great information for all Pilates people from students to studio owners.
There are many more resources to refer to, but, in an effort to keep all post short and easy to read I will stop here knowing that I will add many more posts on the subject soon.
These three resources are my go to at the moment.